What would Google do? Well…

After several months of gaining market share, Google’s Android smart phone operating platform has surpassed Apple’s iPhone platform among smart phone users, according to a report released Thursday by Web research firm comScore.

Google had an average market share of 26 percent for the months of September, October and November among smart phone subscribers 13 and up — a 6.4 percentage point increase from the average for June, July and August.

By comparison, Apple’s market share budged 0.8 percentage points to 25 percent during the same period. RIM’s BlackBerry continued to hold the lead on overall market share at 33.5 percent, but also lost the most market share, down 4.1 percentage points. Microsoft’s Windows Mobile dropped from a 10.8 percent market share to a 9 percent market share, while Palm’s share fell from 4.6 percent to 3.9 percent.

Overall, smart phone use rose 10 percent during the three months ending in November compared to the three-month period ending in August, to 61.5 million people.

Google’s Android Market had 100,000 apps in October; Google has yet to confirm reports of more than 200,000 apps in December. The Apple App Store has more than 300,000 apps.

Deborah Bremner
The Bremner Group at Coldwell Banker
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