Getting Help in a World of Automated Support Lines

4_399_1321286997Repeatedly pressing the “zero” key on the phone, trying to get through to a live person when calling an automated support line, is something many of us have done. Although it’s nice to have an automated system take care of small things (like making a regular payment), there are times when only a human will do. Follow these tips to help you navigate automated support lines.

Be patient
Get the phone charger, settle in with a cup of tea, and make the call. It will take time, and perhaps more than one phone call, to get your issue resolved. If you know what to expect, you can ease some of the frustration that comes with waiting. It is also recommended that you make these types of calls when the kids aren’t screaming in the background.

Appeal to the rep
Once you have someone on the line, state your reason for calling as concisely as possible. If you are steaming mad at the company you are calling, refrain from verbally slaying the phone rep. Instead, ask him or her to explain the steps you need to take to resolve the problem. Being reasonable and polite will get your further than when you are irrational and rude.

Hang up and call again
There are times when the service rep with whom you connect is unhelpful and unwilling to look for solutions. When this happens, simply call in again and speak with someone else. Hopefully, you will be transferred to a friendly, helpful person.

Ask for a higher authority
If you are not satisfied with the answers you receive from the phone rep, ask to speak to a manager. Often your call will need to be escalated before you get through to a decision-maker.

Keep notes
Jot down names and take notes when speaking with a representative. Keep confirmation and case numbers available in case you need to call in again.

Deborah Bremner
The Bremner Group at Coldwell Banker
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